Do you have Mkeka wa mbao vinyl flooring, laminate flooring ,Linoleum Marmoluem , Flotex or wood flooring? You might think that it is time to clean the floor and have brought out the scrubbing brushes, knee pads and soap? If so, you are about to make a mistake. Immediately put it all away and read this first.
Unfortunately, you cannot scrub floors on your knees like your great grandmother or skate around on two scrubbing brushes like Pippi Long stocking. As consolation, you should know that there is a much faster way to get shiny, clean floors. By cleaning your floor in the right way, you get both a better result and a floor that lives longer.
A wood parquet floor can readily be cleaned every week. Begin by vacuuming the wood floor with a soft nozzle or dry mop so that all dirt and dust vanish. Then wipe the floor with warm water and Pergo All round Floor Cleaner, a cleanser that removes all dirt without leaving a coat on the floor. If you use the wrong kind of cleanser, the floor can be damaged.
Oiled flooring should be treated with Pergo Maintenance Oil once a month. A few times a year or as necessary, you should also treat your floor to a treatment with a deep-acting oil that gives the floor nutrients, such as Pergo Deep oil care.
Read more about how to clean wood floors.
Just like with wood flooring, it is good to vacuum, dry mop or sweep the laminate floorcontinuously. To remove spills and stains, you should wipe the floor with a microfibre rag moistened with Pergo All round Cleaner, which is intended for laminate flooring. Always be careful not to overdose the cleanser. Also never use dish washing detergent in any form or soap, and never scrub with steel wool or another abrasive material since this can damage the surface and appearance of the floor.
Some stains are harder to remove than others. For example, if you happen to spill nail polish or ink on your laminate floor, you should clean it with acetone, household solvent or petrol.
Some surfaces with textures demand special treatment. Dirt sticks more easily to matt surfaces – so they need to be cleaned more often. On glossy surfaces, water marks sometimes occur so always dry with a dry mop efter wet cleaning. Laminate flooring that has bevelled edges shall also always be wiped dry so that water does not gather in the edges.
Read more about how to clean laminate floors.

Mkeka wa mbao
Forbo Floor Care – Marmoleum Forbo Flooring Cleaning and Maintenance advice: Forbo Flooring Marmoleum collections are easy to clean and maintain, thanks to Topshield2, an innovative and durable factory finish which should not be removed. TheTopshield2 finish is part of the linoleum and the perfect base for your ongoing use of the floor. Initial clean before use Newly installed floors should not be wet cleaned within 3 days of installation. Remove all debris, dirt and dust off the floor and clean the floor with a neutral floor cleaner. For larger areas a scrubber dryer or a rotary machine (150-300 rpm) with a 3M red pad or equivalent may be used. Pick up dirty water with a wiper and mop or wet vacuum, rinse with clean water and allow floor to dry. If required dry or spray buff the floor with a rotary machine (150-300 rpm) and 3M red pad or equivalent. Note: if cement dust is present add approximately 2% of Citric or Acetic acid. The floor is now ready for use, and does not require any further treatment or finish application. If the application of additional finishes is being considered refer to FAQ’s later in this guide. Regular cleaning: The frequency of regular cleaning method will depend on the amount of traffic, soiling levels, desired appearance, and hygiene standards. • Remove dust and loose dirt by vacuum cleaning, sweeping or mopping. • Remove spots, stains and spillages with a damp mop and a neutral floor cleaner. As required: • Spray clean the floor with a rotary machine (150-300 rpm), a 3M red pad or equivalent and neutral floor cleaner Periodic Maintenance: The following maintenance actions should be used when needed to maintain a satisfactory level of appearance. • Remove dust and loose dirt by vacuum cleaning, sweeping or mopping. • Remove spots, stains and spillages with a damp mop and a neutral floor cleaner. • Spray Buff the floor with a rotary machine (300-500 rpm) and a 3M red pad or equivalent using a buffable floor maintainer to remove gloss irregularities and provide an even appearance.